Estate planning assures that, in case of death or incapacitation, your finances, property, healthcare and children will be taken care of in the manner that you desire. Our firm can provide you with a wide assortment of estate planning and family business planning services and products, such as:

  1. Wills
  2. Trusts
  3. Marital property agreements
  4.  Powers of Attorney for Health Care/Living Wills
  5. Financial (Durable) Powers of Attorney

From the simple to the sophisticated, whether your estate is of modest size or is substantial, we have the expertise to achieve your estate planning objectives. Our estate planning attorneys keep up-to-date with all aspects of the constantly changing transfer tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to take advantage of favorable planning strategies.
Saving Taxes
It is often possible to save a substantial amount in reduced estate taxes and income taxes. Saving taxes is frequently a primary reason for doing estate planning. We will inform you of these tax savings opportunities.
Probate/Avoiding Probate
We can assist you in preparing a revocable living trust and other documents that may be used to transfer property to your beneficiaries without probate. Also, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling probates of all sizes, both formal and informal administration, and of summary settlement techniques, when such procedures are necessary.
Power Of Attorney
We want you to be in control of your future and finances. We can assist you by preparing a Financial Power of Attorney and a Health Care Power of Attorney. With a Financial Power of Attorney you can designate the person of your choice (your Agent) to handle your finances and banking if you ever become incapacitated. With a Health Care Power of Attorney you can designate the person of your choice to make health care decisions on your behalf if you are ever unable to make those decisions yourself.
When a loved one is not capable of making their health care or financial decisions due to a disability, a degenerative brain disorder such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, or some other incapacity, the court can appoint someone to make sure decisions on their behalf. We can guide you through the guardianship process to make it as understandable and painless as possible.
Business Transfers
We prepare Buy-Sell Agreements for owners of closely held businesses and we advise owners about tax and other considerations when transferring a business upon retirement or death.
Advanced Tax Reduction Techniques
We can advise you of the availability, benefits and risks of using numerous sophisticated tax reduction procedures. These procedures and strategies may include (but are not limited to): insurance trusts, family partnerships, generation-skipping gifts, charitable remainder trusts, and grantor retained interest trusts.

If you would like to contact us for a consultation, please Click Here.