Accidents and Personal Injury

Accidents and Personal Injury

Usually the first thing a person wants to know after being involved in an accident or injury is whether her or she is entitled to compensation, or whether they are liable for any damage caused. The type and cause of an accident may affect these issues. If you have been injured or are unsure as to the outcome of your injury, then an attorney experienced in personal injury should always be consulted as soon as possible before you give any statements or sign any documents. Our firm maintains a successful and varied practice handling complex personal injury matters for persons who have suffered serious and catastrophic injuries.
You may be attracted to television commercials and billboards with attorneys promising the best possible result for your case. What separates our firm from these larger firms is that we work and reside in your community, and while we provide the same level of expertise expected from a large firm, our attorneys take a more hands-on approach and pay particular attention to personal involvement, client input and cost-effective but result-oriented strategy.
Our law firm handles personal injury and general accident cases of all kinds, including:

  1. Motor vehicle accidents
  2. Product liability
  3. Professional malpractice
  4. Slip and Fall injuries
  5. Farm accidents
  6. Accidents on commercial, public, or private property
  7. Workplace injuries, including worker’s compensation
  8. Intentional injuries

If you would like to contact us for a consultation, please click here